Provider Resources
Provider Education Videos from the Division of Early Learning
The Division of Early Learning is providing Provider Education Videos in English and Spanish. These videos cover important topics such as how to become a legally operating child care provider, how to participate in Florida’s early learning programs, how to enhance and promote your child care business, and so much more!
- Becoming a Legally Operating Child Care Provider
- Information on Becoming a VPK and SR Child Care Provider
- Advertising Your Business Through Florida’s Provider Portal
- Tips for Making Your Child Care Business Successful and Sustainable
- Tips for Marketing Your Child Care Business and Making It Appealing to Families
- Enhancing Family Engagement in Your Program
- Florida’s Annual Provider Profile Update and Your Participation
- What is Gold Seal?
- Convertirse en un Proveedor de Cuidado de Niños Que Opera Legalmente
- Información Sobre Cómo Convertirse en un Proveedor de Cuidado de Niños Que Ofrece VPK y SR
- Publicitar Su Egoic a Través del Portal para Proveedores de Florida
- Consejos para Que Su Negocio de Cuidado de Niños Sea Exitoso y Sustentable
- Consejos para Promover Su Negocio de Cuidado de Niños y Hacerlo Atractivo para las Familias
- Mejorar la Participación Familiar en Su Programa
- Actualización Anual del Perfil del Proveedor de Florida y Su Participación
- ¿Qué es el Gold Seal?
To access the videos visit
Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade/Monroe Inclusion Services
Provides on-site support and resources to child care providers regarding:
- All areas of development in Early Childhood
- Supporting responsive and nurturing Social /Emotional Development
- Classroom accommodations and intervention strategies for children with special needs
- Assistance with referrals for additional evaluations and services
Contact: Warm-Line Inclusion Specialist at 786-433-3095
Associacion Professional de Cuidado Infantil Domiciliario (APCID)
Asociación Profesional de Cuidados Infantiles Domiciliarios (APCID) is a chapter of the Florida Family Care Home Association a statewide non-profit professional organization for regulated family childcare providers, parents, and advocates of high-quality care for children. APCID membership is open to all regulated family childcare providers, parents, and advocates of quality care.
We promote professional growth by hosting monthly in-service training that meet state training requirements, monthly association meetings to discuss important topics in the area of Early Childhood Education, we help with scholarship to attend the quarterly state conference and annual statewide conference, advocacy at the local and state level to improve the quality of family child care, and referral service to the local agencies when necessary. Our trainings and meetings are in English and Spanish.
For parents we help them understand what is a high-quality family childcare program, we welcome all families, we support family’s development, we include the families in activities and programs, and we honor family’s culture, language, and experience in supporting their children’s learning and development.
APCID is committed to mentoring this and the future generations of family childcare providers.
We strongly recommend that all family childcare providers join their local, state, and national family childcare association.
For more information please contact:
Angela-Perla Almodovar – APCID President or
Florida Association for Child Care Management (FACCM)
The Association is a professional organization dedicated to promoting high standards of early child care and education through advocacy, professional development, and accreditation, supporting sound business practices to ensure the continued success of the private child care industry.
Contact: Roy Keister, Jr., President
Lee Bell, Executive Director
908 South Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Diana Layton, APPLE Accreditation Program Administrator
APPLE Accreditation
We are your local early childhood chapter in South Florida of the Florida Association for the Education of Young Children (FLAEYC), which is affiliated with both the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA).
We are here to advocate for the comprehensive well-being of all children through professional development and community networking opportunities in our area and beyond if called upon.!event-list
South Florida Child Care Association
Our Mission is to support the profession of Family Child Care Home (FCCH) providers by enhancing quality through education and advocacy.
Contact: Arlene Lambert
19811 NW 7th Avenue
Miami Gardens, FL 33169